About Me!

Hey everyone! My name is Randi and I have always had a passion for cameras and how they work. Plus it seems as though the camera is changing about as quickly as a laptop! There are so many functions and new things to learn about them. 

My Story

Photography seems to run in my blood. However, I wasn’t always interested in it until I became fascinated with honeybees… what?! How does honeybees relate to cameras? 

Well, I decided one day to share my knowledge of them and next thing you know I am picking up the camera every time I went to visit my hives! 

I not only took pictures of them but also created educational videos about them. Through this process I was becoming a pro at working the camera. Now it’s a new fascination of mine. 

The helpful creator. 

I remember when I started this entire process that I didn’t have a clue on how cameras worked or which brand to choose from. I kinda winged it but wished I had the knowledge in advance before I made my purhcase. 

Being a perfectionist with it, I wanted to know as much as I could but wished there was one location, one website that I could go to to learn the basics and what kind of cameras are out there for what I wanted to do! 

What’s cool about cameras is all of the creation behind it. You can learn to create amazing photos that you can look back on as well as creative videos on every topic known to man, it all depends on the camera and what you want to do with it. 

The overall goal here. 

So with all of that being said, I want to create the website that had the different camera options as well as the education on how they work. 

However, in today’s world it seems as though everyone is moving towards mirrorless cameras instead of the DSLR brands. My goal is to work with the newest type of cameras to produce the most current and up to date options that are out there and where you can get them for yourselves!

All the best, 


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